January 13, 2025


Fashion just doctor ordered

Meaningful Beauty by Cindy Crawford – Pros & Cons

Meaningful Beauty by Cindy Crawford – Pros & Cons

Meaningful Beauty is touted as the latest in skin care products by super model Cindy Crawford. This product was created more than 10 years ago by founder Doctor Sebagh and Cindy. However the line of products was inspired by her and she specifically sought out the doctor for his program on skin maintenance. This was after she had seen changes in complexion Cindy was on board to sponsor the products. It took many years for the actual line to launch due to testing regulations.

The product contains an anti oxidant that is supposed to come from a rare french melon. This is called superoxide dismutase. The company advertises that this oxide, prevents free radicals from being released in your skin because of the enzyme of the melon. It also contains the enzyme, Coenzyme Q10, which they say activates skin rejuvenation in their products.

The advantages of Meaningful Beauty are that there is a notable story, being how the product was formed, especially with the support of Cindy behind the line. There is also a focus on the anti aging benefits within the products which is what attracted Cindy to the line, initially. The product is also easily available online for purchase from a lot of retailers.

As far as the disadvantages are concerned, firstly there is no detailed information on the formula used in the products. Furthermore, there is need for more studies to back up the claims they make in their advertising. There is still inconclusive evidence as to how much the oxidant from the French melon, will really make a difference in fine lines and wrinkles to prevent the aging appearance.