5 Logical Reasons To Dress Comfortable
There are probably a great number of reasons for dressing in comfortable clothing but here are five reasons to consider if you want to give up the uptight lifestyle.It is hard, really hard to be creative or in a creative mood when you’re uncomfortable. It’s hard to let those creative juices flow when your worried about how you look. So here are 5 arguments for letting go and dressing in comfortable clothing.
The first stage of the creative process is dressing in clothing that make you feel great. Am I saying that you can’t be creative in uncomfortable clothing? No, but I am saying that wearing comfortable clothing gives you a heads up and an advantage that is hard to beat and who among us can’t use every advantage we can get..
1. You’ll Get More Work Done – When you have a big project to get done, what do you usually do? If you are anything like me you will get a cup of what ever you drink, for me it’s white tea, put on some good music and get into your “funkies”, you know what I mean those clothes that feel so good and comfortable you feel like a million when you wear them. Let your body be you. Once you have all those encumbrances out of the way you can begin your project whole heartily. Now you are relaxed and ready to go. Setting yourself up to work(win) like this increases your productivity every time.
2. You Do Better Work When You Are Comfortable – Allowing your body to relax and be comfortable takes all the distractions away so you can accomplish a lot more and better quality work will result. You’re not distracted by a stiff collar or a belt that is keeping in what wants so bad to get out. All those distraction are gone, you can concentrate on the task at hand knowing that your body is ready to get on with the task.
3. Not watching For The Clock – I know that when I’m uncomfortable I can’t wait to get home and to get into something comfortable so I’m constantly watching the clock, ready to get out of there at the slightest excuse and ready, willing and able to get into my “funkies”. A sure sign of not being productive is watching the time (can’t wait to get out of there and into something comfortable).
4. Your Work Becomes Enjoyable – Providing you are doing a job you like, you’ll enjoy working when you wear clothing that is soft and comfortable like the Pajama Jeans. Work is no different than relaxing at home if you wear clothes at home that cause you to feel uncomfortable you’re going to feel uncomfortable just “chillin”, except that being uncomfortable you won’t be able to “chill”. When you wear clothing that you enjoy wearing, look good in, your countenance just shout’s “look at me, I’m worth knowing”.
5. Life saving professionals already wear comfortable clothing for a reason – That reason is that they can’t be worried or concerned about how they look or feel. They have to be ready to do what’s necessary when called upon. When you wear uncomfortable, binding and mind altering clothes you are not allowed that freedom. To do their best they have to be ready. I know you’re probably going to tell me that you can’t wear scrubs on you job but, do you really have to wear uptight clothing to work?
There is a trend happening across America where more and more people are opting to wear sensible clothing like the Pajama Jean to work. More and more companies are seeing the benefit of allowing relaxed clothing rules for the work place. When you feel good, you will do your best work and best of all you’ll enjoy what you do.
These 5 points are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to benefits of wearing comfortable soft clothing to work. Exercise your imagination and I’m sure you can come up with a lot more ideas like these for wearing great feeling, comfortable and mind encouraging clothes to work. Isn’t it time you joined the revolution towards great feeling comfortable clothing that is spreading across this country.